Shop Clear Nails in Australia - Beserk
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Purple AF | HAIR COLOUR [236ml]


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Beserk | Gift Voucher


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Virgin Pink | HAIR COLOUR [236ml]


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Original Deluxe [SMALL] | CUSTOM FANGS


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Juniper Green | HAIR DYE


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Aquamarine | HAIR COLOUR [236ml]


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Poison | HAIR COLOUR [236ml]


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Wrath | HAIR COLOUR [236ml]


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Purple AF | HAIR COLOUR [118ml]


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This collection is calling out  to all the people who want a little simplicity in their nail life! What are clear nails good for you ask? Well, aside from the fact that they help strengthen your nails, it creates a smooth base for any nail polish you layer over it, and when used as a top coat, it works to prevent scratches, chips, and smudges. Or, you may choose wear it on its own as a clear polish to help prevent your natural nails from yellowing.  Clear nail polish essentially creates that perfect glossy nail look you've been trying to achieve so bad, and, it helps your current nail colour last much longer. You could call having clear nail polish a need, but don't we all want that perfect nail finish? 

Or maybe You just want a simple extra gloss to your nails, and that's perfectly fine! Its just a extra little top up to your nail life. 

If clear nails are not for you, and you prefer other colours why not have a look at our collections of 

Moonlight Nails

Rainbow Nails

Venus Nails

Black Acrylic Nails

Spice up your whole look with some spicy eye makeup and cute fake eyelashes, and show off that individuality!

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