Get ready for the day of the dead and win win win!
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Get ready for the day of the dead and win win win!

Light the candles witches! The spookiest time of the year is finally here! Maybe you’ll go out trick or treating or throw your own witches 3 day ball! Ha ha, 3 day celebration? No way! This is an all month celebration and the time is now! Light your candles, set the table and set out your offering for the dead. Did you know in past times people would set a seat at a table for their relatives who may be stopping by on Halloween?
For this very reason Beserk have their very own fortune cookies. You can have your offerings ready to give out to impromptu visitors and possibly appease their spirit, so to speak! The Beserk Cookies have lots of different quotes inside, all spooky and perfect just for you and your friends. A perfect hostess gift if you are going to a Halloween party or set the scene at your own home and forecast your trick or treaters or yourself with these fun cookies 
A lifetime of happiness and black clothing lies ahead of you
Have a spooky Halloween! xx Beserk
Happiness begins with a good black lipstick,Eat, Drink & be scary! Happy Halloween xx Beserk 
just to name a few. Each crisp cookie has a fun fortune inside. 
Vanilla flavoured Beserk fortune cookies are all individually wrapped perfect for trick or treaters or Halloween guests. And the best part is each Halloween cookie has a chance to win a share of $500 worth of Beserk giveaways!
So start brewing your favorite spooky drinks, set out your plate of Beserk Fortune Cookies and set the vibe with a witchy playlist. 
Happy Halloween 
Beserk xx


ON 3 Nov 13:59

I wonder if anyone has won yet :) either way always fun! Competition are always fun, though never won one haha! Happy belated Halloween beserk xx

Amy Stidolph

ON 1 Nov 12:05

My husband and I had our first date at my Halloween party, 14yrs ago. Like all good romances, it started with costumes, candy and fake blood!


ON 1 Nov 12:05

I wish halloween was 365 days a year since it holds the happiest memories of my grandad and I. He is no longer with us but he would always take me trick or treating as a kid and he would come up with the best scary pranks that left me pooping my pants lol. It was his favourite holiday and it’s forever mine too. It would warm my heart if i won, it would be a sign to know that he’s still here and loving spooky season!


ON 23 Oct 22:27

Literally the best celebration of the year, who doesn’t love dressing up and buying the best decorations the year has to offer!!!!

Cara Thompson

ON 22 Oct 14:27

I would love to win as halloween is one of my favourite times of the year. Its incredible. Fun & I love the spookiness. It is one of my favourite events that unfortentley us in nz cant do much obviously as covid and I have been going through alot this lockdown so It would be nice to win this competition as it would put a smile on my face.

Cara Thompson

ON 22 Oct 14:27

I would love to win as I need new clothes etc as I am left with barely anything after rent.


ON 20 Oct 10:37

I’m just getting into goth fashion please give me a headstart it would be much appreciated !

Marlyn Morris

ON 20 Oct 10:37

I would love to win as I was born in Halloween and this would make my day

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